A service to prevent LGBTQI youth homelessness. Also see Housing Section. George Street Social, 45-51 George Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7JN.
Email: dawn@akt.org.uk
Website: www.akt.org.uk
Tel: 07739 798594


An LGBTQ+ social/issue based group for anyone 13 to 19 years of age who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or questioning their sexual orientation. Meets every Wednesday in central Gateshead. Contact for info
Tel: 0191 4777759 / 07960 316145
Website: www.plusgroupnortheast.com
Facebook: @plusgroupNE


A local mental health charity based in Sunderland which provides support, training and wellbeing resources across our communities. Our services are for anyone aged 11+ and include; one-to-one counselling in Sunderland, mental health and suicide prevention training, wellbeing resources through https://wellbeinginfo.org/ - our online health and wellbeing directory covering Sunderland South Tyneside and groups which help people use creativity to improve wellbeing and reduce social isolation, including our LGBT+ group Rainbow Renegades.
For more information on Washington Mind, our services and how they can be accessed, visit our website: https://washingtonmind.org.uk/ give us a call: 01914178043, text us: 07507330995, or send an email to: info@washingtonmind.org.uk.


Children North East Young Peoples Service, is a young people’s project based on the West Road in Newcastle. We are open to offer support, advice and guidance to all young people aged 11 – 25years. We have Sexual Health drop ins on a Monday and Thursday 2-6pm where you can receive C-Card Induction, Free condoms and Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea Screening. Sexual Health workers are also available to offer relationship support, advice and guidance. We run an Under 16’s drop in on a Monday 4-6pm and Over 16’s on Thursday 4-6pm where young people can meet new people, cook and enjoy a meal together, enjoy fun activities, take part in issue based sessions and receive support from our youth work team. You can also get involved with our Allotment group, counselling service and Youth Link Peer mentoring service.
CNE Young Peoples Service, 4 Graingerville North, West Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Ne4 6UJ
0191 2733997


Provides young people aged 11- 25 years old, with information, advice, and guidance which they need to make informed choices. Streetwise provides a range of young person-centred services covering areas they need to make informed and safe lifestyle choices.
These services include.
Relationship and family issues Employability, housing rights
Emotional Wellbeing
Isolation and loneliness
Peer pressure, violence, crime harm and risk
Sexual Health and relationships
Drugs and alcohol issues
Debt, money management, welfare rights
Signposting to other specialist services
Mental health and wellbeing support (Counselling Service)