Provide free and confidential stop smoking services for the residents of Newcastle.
The service provides a 12 -week programme to help you find your own way of stopping smoking. Whether you want to stop smoking for your health, for your kids, to save money, or something else, you're more likely to succeed if you get support.
With Newcastle Stop Smoking service, you get:
Expert one-on-one support to find the best way to stop smoking for you.
A prescription for stop smoking aids such as, nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, spray and inhalators.
Someone to encourage and cheer you on.
We’re offering support over the phone rather than in person at the moment for flexibility. For more information visit our website or speak to a trained Advisor by calling or emailing the contact details below.
Call: 0191 269 1103
Email: newcastle.stopsmoking@cgl.org.uk
Visit: https://www.changegrowlive.org/stop-smoking-plus-service-newcastle