A free and confidential service for men who have sex with men, regardless of how they identify their own sexual orientation. We also provide age appropriate support for boys 13+.
Mesmac offer advice, information and support to meet sexual health and well-being needs, increasing positive choices around safer sex, sexual and mental health and to access other services as required.
Also on offer are HIV and DIY STI Testing by appointment or post Mon-Fri 9.00am - 5pm.
Tel: 0191 233 1333
Email: all@mesmacnewcastle.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MesmacNewcastle
Twitter: @TeamMesmac
Instagram: MESMAC Newcastle
YouTube: www.youtube. com/teammesmac


A service offering culturally appropriate support for ALL women, from all communities in Newcastle.
Our services are provided by female workers. We offer free and confidential support, information and advice on all issues connected to women’s sexual health and wellbeing.
Also on offer are FREE HIV testing and STI DIY kit by appointment and by post.
Tel: 0191 277 2050
Email: shine@newcastle.gov.uk
Facebook: @shinenewcastle
Twitter: @ShineNewcastle


Please contact the central booking line for appointments at any of these clinics below Tel: 0300 330 1122
Middlebrough Live Well Centre, Dundas Shopping Centre & Indoor Market, Dundas Street, Middlesbrough TS1 1HR
Redcar & Cleveland leisure & Community Heart, Redcar TS10 1TD
Hartlepool One Life, Park Road, Hartlepool. TS24 7PW Various sexual health, GUM and CASH services available, call for information. (0300 330 1122)
Lawson Street Health Centre. Lawson Street, Stockton on Tees. TS18 1HU Various sexual health, GUM and CASH services available, call for information. (0300 330 1122)


In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, we are now operating a telephone triage service at New Croft Centre.
To access our telephone-led service please ring 0191 229 2999 between 08:30 and 16:00 Monday to Friday.
We can provide:
• Management of symptoms of an STI (sexually transmitted infection)
• Contraception including emergency contraception and long-acting methods such as an implant or intrauterine contraception
• Management of HIV
• Management of contacts of infection such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea
• HIV Care – access to PrEP & PEP
• Do It Yourself Home Testing Kits (DIY STI Testing Kits)
• Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea Testing Kits
• Free Condoms