Through our Pride in Schools campaign, we provide schools with workshops, seminars and group exercises to support LGBTQ+ young people and their families, along with pupils coming from LGBTQ+ households.
The campaign was created in response to changes to the relationships and sex education curriculum, which came into place in September 2020.
Under the new guidelines, all secondary schools will teach students about sexual orientation and gender identity, while primary school pupils will be taught about different types of families, which can include LGBT+ families.
"Stonewall reports that 45 per cent of LGBTQ+ young people experience bullying at school and the only way this will change is by challenging these attitudes with open channels of communication. Those growing up LGBTQ+ or in LGBTQ+ households deserve to have a safe, comfortable and fun school experience just as much as their peers and we hope our Pride in Schools initiative will help to facilitate this.” - Nimerta Virdee, Engagement Manager for Family and Youth
School years can be a confusing time for many young people, but opening up the conversation about different types of families and attractions will hopefully mean a lot of students will feel less alone.
Pride in Schools campaign has been on hold due to the pandemic, but we are looking to re commence our activities very soon. If you would like a visit from our team or for a workshop to be held with teachers and parents, please drop us a message.