Citizens Advice Gateshead provides confidential, free, independent and impartial advice, information, advocacy and guidance to anyone who lives or works in Gateshead.
Our services cover a wide-range of issues including welfare benefits, money and debt advice, housing advice, discrimination and employment issues, and so much more.
You can contact us by:
- Calling 0191 478 5100 to book a call back from one of our expert advisers
- Calling 0191 490 4248 to speak directly to our dedicated debt and money advisers
- Calling 0808 278 7902 for the free local Adviceline
You can also: - Contact us through our website contact form www.citizensadvicegateshead.org.uk
- Pop into our offices on Swan Street, Gateshead to book a call back from an adviser.
(Please note Citizen’s Advice also have separate Officers in many towns and cities, search the Internet for your nearest one)


Our Superbia group has an online coffee break over Zoom and would love to chat with other carers in the LGBTQIA+ community! The group talks about everything and anything in a very casual and supportive environment so feel free to come along to get some things off your chest while taking a short break.
If you have any questions, please email them to Paul.Forster@gatesheadcarers.com!
Find out more Web: https://www.gatesheadcarers.com/Event/superbia-10-08-2021


Law Centres have existed since the early 1970s and work within their communities to defend the legal rights of local people. Specialising in social welfare law, they have an in-depth knowledge of the issues communities face. They use this knowledge to help people save their homes, keep their jobs and protect their families.
Law Centres offer legal advice, casework and representation to individuals and groups. Spotting local trends and issues in the course of their work, they highlight them to bring about necessary policy changes and to prevent future problems.
Law Centres also help build capacity within local communities by training and supporting local groups and educating people about the law and their rights.
All Law Centres are independent and operate on a not-for-profit basis. They are also accountable to their communities, with local people acting on their management committees. Above all, they exist to improve the daily lives of the communities they work in Areas of law covered
• Asylum
• Discrimination
• Education
• Employment
• Family
• Welfare Benefits
• Immigration
• Human Rights
Tel: 01912304777
Email: reception@nelawcentre.co.uk twitter.com/nelawcentre www.facebook.com/NorthEastLawCentre