A counselling and social support service, primarily developed for LGBT+ people, but our services are open to ANYONE!
WE CAN WORK WITH ANYONE FROM ANY PART OF THE UK We also are proud to provide LGBT+ Awareness Training
We offer a mixture of therapy approaches including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [CBT] and Person Centred Counselling.
We can help you with:
LGBT+ Issues Including Transitioning. This is a particular area of special interest and expertise for us.
Bereavement & Loss
Thoughts of self harm and suicide [please note we are not a crisis service]
Intrusive Thoughts
Relationship Issues
Any other issues you care to bring……
Feel free to have a browse around and if you have any questions, please get in touch by emailing us at contact@arcuslgbt.com, calling us on 01325 97 88 10 or by using the contact us tab.
Our therapy is provided by a mixture of qualified counsellors and students who are nearing the end of their training. All students are qualified to at least Level 4. All out staff are voluntary and none of them are paid for the work that they do. Every volunteer is fully insured and DBS checked to enhanced level.


Offers general counselling service to people referred by their GP, consists of a six-session plan. Wellbeing Centre, Dunsmuir Grove, Bensham, Gateshead. NE8 4QL
Tel: 01914774545 / 0300 123 3393 -national
(National) Website: www.mind.org.uk


Can help with a wide range of counselling needs – to find out more visit their website
Web: www.sunderlandcounselling.org.uk
Sunderland Counselling Service are fully committed in supporting the clients in our community and North East region. Our staff, volunteers and partners are dedicated to achieving our vision.
We will continue to provide a free, impartial and confidential service to all people in need, we pride ourselves on equality and diversity and work stringently in maintaining all ethical boundaries, working hard to promote and improve mental health and emotional wellbeing for adults and children.
Our team work in a diverse range of clinical areas, some of which are BACP accredited and APPTS accredited. We are proud to be working with a wide range of partners, who share our commitment, and through their continued support we have been able to provide a wide range of services to our community.
Tel: 0191 5147007
Email:: office@sunderlandcounselling.org.uk


Are here to provide a peer led, peer delivered education and support service where
People can learn from each other.
To enable connection and friendship.
To provide a focus for peer leadership
For peer support and recovery orientated practice.
To enable collaboration between mental health service providers and organisations that support these aims.
Currently at Recoco
As things change with Covid lockdown we are taking on new service users who can engage with these bubbles of up to 8 people in our new city centre base with plans for us to get back to our usual bigger groups from September onwards.
So, September is when ReCoCo will again come fully alive and be again what our students know and love. We are currently in the process of creating a new prospectus filled with our main courses, such as DBT, WRAP, Reducing the Rage and many more. That should be out in August. It will also include all sorts of other groups and activities, ranging from art and craft type ones, theatre projects, relaxation/wellness, our book group, creative writing, etc etc.
For now, though, get in touch with our administrator, Karen (karen@recoverycoco.com). Karen can then advise when an enrolment slot comes free and you can get enrolled should you wish.
For more information Web: www.recoverycoco.com Email: info@recoverycoco.com Phone: 0191 261 0948