This is intended to be an area for you to look for organisations that may be able to help you with a range of health issues and information. Not all organisations are on here yet, if you cannot find the information that you are looking for then please reach out to Mesmac Newcastle or Northern Pride (who have jointly collected all of this information) and we will attempt to find a suitable contact for you.
Look through the health sections, if you see an organisation you think can assist you then please make contact with them directly
Please note that organisations and services listed on this webpage are here purely for your information, they are all run completely separately from Northern Pride and /or Mesmac Newcastle.
If any problem occurs for you within any of these organisations then please draw it to the attention of the management of the individual organisation concerned.
Contact details:
Mesmac Newcastle – Tel : 0191 233 1333.
Email: all@mesmacnewcastle.com Web: www.mesmacnewcastle.com