A registered Provides comprehensive support to those experiencing or affected by domestic/intimate partner violence and/or abuse.
NDAS supports all women and men, including trans women and men, with the aim to protect and empower all service users by providing flexible and professional support throughout Northumberland.
NDAS also support gay and bisexual men. NDAS employs a team of women and girls workers, who can support lesbians, bisexual and trans-women who are experiencing or affected by domestic/intimate partner violence or abuse. Support can include advice about domestic/intimate partner violence and/or abuse and the law, how to apply for housing, signposting for welfare rights advice, as well as practical support like making a safety plan or going to court.
NDAS provides specialist services for people affected by or experiencing stalking and harassment and for young people aged 16-25
Tel: 01434 608030
Email: admin@nda.services
Website: www.nda.services


Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland (RCTN) is a charity that provides services to women and girls who live, work or study in Tyneside and Northumberland.
We are completely independent of the criminal justice system including the police. Our services are free and and confidential. We are here for women and girls over 13 who have experienced any form of sexual violence at any time in their lives.
We are for all women including, but not limited to, women who identify as Lesbian, Bi, Trans and/or Questioning; Black and Minoritised women, Refugee women; and disabled women. Our definition of women-only includes Trans women and non-binary people who identify that women’s services are right for them.
We offer a range of support services to meet your needs, this includes; counselling, group work, helpline & email support, and practical & emotional support.
For more information, please visit https://rctn.org.uk.
We believe you.


We are the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) for Teesside, designed to provide a sensitive and dedicated service to anyone who has experienced rape and sexual assault. We are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
SARC Teesside is about offering choices.
Specially trained staff can explain and discuss all the options. Services include:
• Confidential Advice
• Anonymous report to police or advocacy on your behalf with direct report to police
• Specialist medical examinations
• Specialist forensic examination, including non-intimate samples
• Storage of forensic samples, giving you time to decide on reporting to police
• Support through Police interview
• Risk and need assessment to make sure you are safe
• Referrals to external agencies with the appropriate consent for specialist counselling and therapeutic support
• Ongoing support from an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA)
We will support you regardless of whether or not you want to report to the Police and are committed to ensuring that you receive the support you need, whatever you decide to do.
SARC Teesside follows established safeguarding procedures with regard to the safety and wellbeing of all our clients.
SARC Staff are available 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year on Tel: 03333 44 8283 E-mail : info@sarc-support.uk Web: www.sarcteesside.co.uk


Has a specialist service for men and women in Sunderland that provides counselling for those who have experienced sexual violence.
Also provide counselling in Newcastle for men and women aged 16+ who have experienced sexual violence within the last 12 months (based at Sexual Assault Referral Centre).
Tel: 0191 514 7007
Web: www.sunderlandcounselling.org.uk


For victims of domestic abuse. NIDAS provides emergency accommodation for up to 14 families, IDVA service and outreach support.
There are also domestic abuse independent living workers for the new outreach service. The service can also support men to access safe accommodation.
To make a referral to NIDAS you can contact the helpline on:
Tel: 0191 214 6501
Email: Nidas.Team@thirteengroup.co.uk
Web: www.newcastleidas.co.uk


If you require help and support relating to a sexual offence please call our 24/7 Crisis Support Service on 03333448283.
The North East SARC-support service provides 24 hour crisis intervention and support for anyone who has experienced a sexual offence, regardless of when the offence occurred or whether the incident was reported to the police or not.
Crisis support workers will outline the options available and provide support throughout any subsequent process. The crisis workers will also provide help to gain access to local specialist service providers.
In an emergency always dial 999.
Alternatively we can be emailed via: - info@sarc-support.uk
Web: www.reachsarc.org.uk/


A confidential counselling service for survivors of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and specialising in counselling for childhood sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault.
A not-for-profit organisation working throughout the North East of England. Friendly counsellors who will always put client needs first.
Counselling with Someone Cares is free of charge.
Tel: 0191 2578094
Email: enquiries@someonecares.org.uk
Web: www.someonecares.org.uk